OctaneRender的第三个版本已经升级了,用于定制界面的真正有用的新工具。 Octane窗口分为四个基本部分:1.渲染窗口2.场景窗口3.节点检查器,在那里我们可以改变一个节点的参数4.场景大纲,在这里我们可以找到和使用本地库的材料或使用LiveDB。
Version three of OctaneRender has been upgraded with really useful new tools for customizing the interface. Octane windows are grouped in four basic parts: 1.) Render window 2.) Scene widow 3.) Node inspector, where we can change a node's parameters 4.) Scene outliner, where we can find and use materials from local libraries or use LiveDB.
我们可以根据自己的喜好定制窗口。我主要使用场景窗口的布局占据最大的区域,因为我经常使用它。渲染窗口的底部是渲染视图工具栏。在开始设置场景之前,我的第一步是调整渲染优先级设置;我通常把它设置为“低”。 虽然这延长了渲染时间,但它减少了显卡上的负载,使其更容易与其他应用程序一起工作(参考我的工作站中有一个GeForce GTX Titan X,内存为12 GB)
We can undock and customize the windows according to our own preferences. I mainly use a layout with the Scene window occupying the largest area, because I use it most frequently. At the bottom of the rendering window is the render view toolbar. My first step before I start setting the scene is to adjust the render priority setting; I usually set it to "low." Although this lengthens rendering time, it reduces load on the graphics card making it easier to work with other applications (for reference I have a Geforce GTX Titan X with 12 GB of memory in my workstation.)
我们首先将网格导入到场景中; 右键单击“场景”窗口,然后选择“导入网格”。 如果我们加载两个以上的网格到场景中,我们必须使用Geometry组节点将它们连接在一起。
We start by importing a mesh into our scene; right-click on the Scene window and select "Import mesh." If we load more than two meshes into the scene we have to use the Geometry group node to connect them together.
当我们加载了我们场景的所有元素时,我们可以用对象标记节点,在选项卡中点击带有关键图片的图标(编辑设置几何文件)。头部的主要部分是细分网格,所以 我已经设置细分级别为“1”,并保持其余的设置不变。 在选项窗口中,还可以设置平滑角度,细分类型等参数。
When we have loaded all the elements of our scene we can mark the node with the object, and in the options tab click the icon with the key picture (Edit setting geometry files.) The main part of the head is a subdivision mesh, so I've set the subdivision level to "1" and left the rest of the settings unchanged. In the options window you can also set parameters such as smoothing angle, the type of subdivision and more.
如果您对模型进行了更改,则可以使用“重新加载”图标,在“设置”图标和“导入网格”旁边 - 在窗口的左上角。 要使场景中的项目可见,我们必须将它们连接到节点(渲染目标)。
If you've made changes on a model you can use the Reload icon, beside the Setting icon and Import mesh - In the top left corner of the window. For items in the scene to be visible, we have to connect them to the node (the render target.)
使用Octane中的节点非常方便; 我已经使用它们来创建几个相机设置:前视图,叁分、3/4视图和配置文件视图。Octane摄像机的导航在渲染窗口中进行。 这使得它比标准3D应用更直观。 使用键盘快捷键和鼠标可以浏览相机。 我们也可以定义我们自己的快捷方式,从另一个应用程序转移导航首选项时非常方便。
Using nodes in the Octane is very convenient; I have used them to create several camera settings: Front view, 3/4 view and Profile view. Navigation of the camera in Octane takes place in the render window. This makes it more intuitive than in standard 3D applications. Navigating the camera is possible using keyboard shortcuts and the mouse. We can also define our own shortcuts, which is very handy when transferring navigation preferences from another application.
我为这个场景使用了两种类型的材质。 我使用了基本颜色和位移纹理的光面材质类型,用于网格的头部元素。 对于我的眼睛,我使用了LiveDB的简单玻璃材质。 辛烷对我们的基础材料有很好的选择,其中许多是非常有用的; 玻璃或金属等。 有机模型有一些很好的皮肤材料,当然我们可以用我们自己的方式来改善它们。 对于头部照明,我使用了“20k”功率发射的漫反射材料; 这产生了类似于荧光灯泡的光源。
I used two types of material for this scene. I used a Glossy material type with base color and displacement textures for the head elements of the mesh. For the eyes I used simple glass material from LiveDB. Octane has quite a good selection of ready to us base materials, many of which are really useful; glass or metal for example. Organic models has some nice materials for skin, of course we can improve them in our own way. For the lighting on the head I used a Diffuse material with emission on "20k" power; this produced a light source similar to a fluorescent light bulb.
漫反射 - 用于粗糙的非反射材料以及发光网格。
光泽 - 用于有光泽的材料,如塑料或金属。
镜面反射 - 用于透明材料,如玻璃和水。
混合 - 用于混合任何两种材料类型。
Portal - 用于指定场景中的开口,以便渲染内核更好地从这些区域采样光线。
Diffuse - Used for rough, non-reflecting materials, as well as light emitting meshes.
Glossy - Used for shiny materials such as plastics or metals.
Specular - Used for transparent materials such as glass and water.
Mix - Used to mix any two material types.
Portal - Used to designate openings in scenes to allow the render kernel to sample light from those areas better.
辛烷值的一个重大优势是能够快速地照亮现场,看看它会如何影响你的工作。 我总是在开始时使用Daylight环境 - 在Sun方向面板上,您可以使用世界地图来调整日光。 它允许您指定一年中的时间和季节,具体取决于您所需的灯光。 一个非常有趣的选择是“天空浊度”。 它可以让你略微软化阴影的边缘,使光线更加柔和。 渲染目标节点有两个插槽,您可以将其连接到特定的照明和环境贴图。 对于我的模型,我使用了像背景一样的白色图像。
One great advantage of Octane is the ability to very quickly light the scene to see how it will affect your work. I always use the Daylight environment at the beginning - In the Sun direction panel you can adjust the daylight using the world map. It allows you to specify the time and season of the year depending on the light you need. One very interesting option is "sky turbidity." It allows you to slightly soften the edges of the shadows and cause the light to be more diffuse and soft. The render target node has two slots to which you can connect specific lighting and environment maps. For my model I used white color images like a background.
在我看来,使用HDRI地图点亮一个场景是这个程序的力量。 即使从我在辛烷的第一步,我知道我将有乐趣测试可用的地图,并创建自己的。 事实上; 每个具有适当参数的图片都可以用来照亮场景。 为了使我们的效果更真实,最好使用高动态范围的地图。 我们可以从网上下载地图,在那里有丰富的免费HDRI地图库,或者我们可以创建自己使用的程序,如HDR Shop或HDR Light Studio。
In my opinion, lighting a scene using HDRI maps is the power of this program. Even from my first steps in Octane, I knew that I was going to have fun testing the available maps and creating my own. In fact; every picture with appropriate parameters can be experimented with to illuminate a scene. To make our effects more realistic it's best to use high-dynamic-range maps. We can download maps from the web, where there is a rich library of free HDRI maps, or we can create our own using programs like HDR Shop or HDR Light Studio.
对于我场景中的照明,我使用了hdrmaps.com提供的免费HDRI地图。 我尝试了纹理设置,最后我选择了以下参数:Power 1.00,Gamma 0.808,UV Transform R.Z 70,SX和SY 10.835以及Power 5.614。 我建议在节点中保存不同的参数,并把它们放在本地的二进制文件中 - 它们在将来可能是有用的。
For the lighting in my scene I used a free HDRI map from hdrmaps.com. I experimented with textures setup and in the end I chose the following parameters: Power 1.00, Gamma 0.808, UV Transform R.Z 70, SX and SY 10.835, and Power 5.614. I recommend saving different parameters in the nodes, and put them on local binary - they may be useful in the future.
对于额外的照明,我使用了一个特定形状的网格,我希望好奇的形状能够反映在我的模型的眼睛中。 我设置了排放值为100.0的材料,类似于荧光灯的效果。 我把光放在框架上,以补充作品,图片占据了额外的空间。 可悲的是,柔和的光线往往会使照片变平。 我在相机中使用了光圈参数为100的景深。
For additional lighting I used a mesh of a specific shape, I wanted the curious shape to be reflected in eyes of my model. I set material with Emission value of 100.0 to resemble the effects a fluorescent lamp. I placed the light in the frame to complement the composition and the picture took on additional space. Sadly, soft light tends to flatten a picture. I used depth of field in the camera with aperture parameters 100.
辛烷有一些非常有用的工具,我们可以在渲染过程中应用,这将影响最终图像的外观。 我们可以改变图像的色温(白点),为图像添加晕影或改变图像饱和度。 我会建议测试响应过滤器设置为所需的效果。 对于H.A.S.H,我使用了以下设置: 反应:Agfacolor HDC 100 plusCD,白色点:红色0.977226,绿色1.0和蓝色0.991426。
Octane has some very useful tools that we can apply during rendering that will affect the appearance of the final image. We can change the color temperature of the image (White point,) add a vignette to the image, or alter image saturation. I would recommend testing the response filter set for the desired effect. For H.A.S.H I used the following settings; Response: Agfacolor HDC 100 plusCD, White point: Red 0.977226, Green 1.0, and Blue 0.991426.
我通常使用两种方法来保存Octane中的渲染。 首先,当我需要保存渲染器视图时,我使用窗口底部的按钮将当前渲染保存到磁盘。 如果我确信我的工作的最终效果,我使用批处理渲染。 我只是选择我想要保存图片的位置,点击“开始”,去寻找期待已久和当之无愧的咖啡。
I usually use two ways to save renderings in Octane. First, when I need to save a renderer view I use the button at the bottom of the window to save the current render to disk. If I'm sure of the final effect of my work I use Batch rendering. I just choose the location where I want to save the picture, click "Start" and go for long-awaited and well-deserved coffee.
To center or find an object in the scene use the icon preset the camera to a pre-defined viewport.
设置高质量渲染时,有时设置Max是没有意义的。 样品要超过图像分辨率。 例如,如果您的图像分辨率是2048 x 1024设置最大。 样品2048。
When setting up quality rendering, sometimes it makes no sense to set Max. samples to more than the image resolution. For example, if your images resolution is 2048x1024 set Max. samples 2048.
当您开始构建场景时,请取消选择几何节点和材质节点,因为每次单击该节点时相机都将更改。 这个选项非常烦人,干扰了工作流程。
When you start building a scene, deselect geometry nodes and material nodes, because every time you click on the node the camera will change. This option is very annoying and it interferes with the flow of work.
您可以使用Octane创建自己的简单HDRI地图。 使用全景照相机构建带有发射材料的物体的场景。
You can use Octane to create your own simple HDRI map. Build a scene with objects with attached emissive material with a panoramic camera.
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